Things in Kenya do not cost much and donations, both big and small, make a difference.

$8 A New School Uniform
$30 Breakfast for One Student for One Year
$75 for 15 New Library Books
$100 New Student Bunkbeds for Dormitories
$350 Laptop for Distance Learning for College Student
$700 Solar Lighting Panel for Classroom or Dormitory
$1,000 Pays for a Nomadic Preschool for One Year
$2,000 Teacher’s Salary for One Year
$1,250 Sends a Student to High School for One Year
$1,750 Sends a Student to University for One Year.
$9,000 Supports an Entire Classroom of 35 Students for One Year $4,000 Annual donation for local high school

The Thorn Tree Project is registered as a 501(c)3 public charity under the name of Sereolipi Nomadic Education Foundation, Inc. All donations and direct contributions are tax deductible at their full value.
